the frogs soak in the chemical.\nthe frogs know the chemical.\nthe frogs know what the [[chemical is|CHEMICAL FROGS]].\nthe frogs know that the [[chemical isn't|NON CHEMICAL FROGS]].
the frogs perform actions that go unnoticed.\nthe frogs perform actions that go unnoticed at the time.\nthe frogs perform actions that are not punished.\nthe frogs perform actions that are [[not punished until much later|FROGS PUNISHED LATER]].
the frogs perform actions that go unattributed.\nthe frogs perform actions that are attributed to others.\nthe frogs perform actions that [[invert reason|FROGS INVERT REASON]].\nthe frogs perform actions that would [[redefine reason|FROGS REDEFINE REASON]].
the frogs have four limbs.\nthe frogs know four limbs.\nthe frogs have always used four limbs.\nthe frogs use four limbs to [[exert control|FROGS CONTROL]].
the frogs control limbs with their minds.\nthe frogs control minds with their limbs.\nthe frogs control by exerting power.\nthe frogs have a power that cannot be [[denied|DENY FROGS]].
you ask: why do frogs hold so much power?\nthe frogs consider your question.\nthe frogs determine that [[you are unfit|FROG DISMISSAL]] to receive an answer.
you ask: can frogs not change, and become something else?\nthe frogs consider your question.\nthe frogs determine that [[you are unfit|FROG DISMISSAL]] to receive an answer.
the frogs suggest normalcy.\nthe frogs reinforce current thoughts.\nthe frogs repel new thoughts.\nthe [[frogs remain constant|FROGS ARE FROGS]] throughout time.
the frogs are [[innumerable|FROGS INNUMERABLE]].\nthe frogs are [[everywhere|FROGS EVERYWHERE]].\nthe frogs are [[undetectable|FROGS UNDETECTABLE]].\nthe frogs are [[within this box|FROGS WITHIN THIS BOX]].
the frogs invert premises.\nthe frogs invert [[conclusions|FROGS ARE FROGS]].\nthe frogs change wrong-frogs into right.\nthe frogs change right-non-frogs into wrong.
the frogs use tools that are artificial.\nthe frogs use tools that maximize power.\nthe frogs use tools that maximize power for the frogs.\nthe frogs use tools that maximize power by [[taking power|FROGS TAKING POWER]].
you ask: how can influence be taken away from the frogs?\nthe frogs consider your question\nthe frogs determine that [[you are unfit|FROG DISMISSAL]] to receive an answer.
[[your input|FROG INPUT]] is received by frogs.\nthe frogs stretch out with [[four limbs|FOUR FROG LIMBS]].\nthe frogs stretch out with [[six limbs|SIX FROG LIMBS]].\nthe frogs stretch out with [[all limbs|ALL FROG LIMBS]].
the frogs influence events in an indirect way.\nthe frogs influence events in a subtle way.\nthe frogs influence events in a way that may go [[unnoticed|UNNOTICED FROGS]].\nthe frogs influence events in a way that may go [[unattributed|UNATTRIBUTED FROGS]].
the frogs take power.\nthe frogs take power from those who are not frogs.\nthe frogs take power to reinforce their rules.\nthe frogs take power to [[maintain their apparent authority|FROGS ARE FROGS]].
(function(){ var render2 = Passage.prototype.render; Passage.prototype.render = function () { var b =; var t = this.tags.join(" "); document.body.setAttribute("data-tags", t); b.setAttribute("data-tags",t); return b; }; if(state) { var tgs = state.history[0].passage.tags.join(" "); var fc = $('passages').firstChild; fc.setAttribute("data-tags",tgs); }}());\n\nif(state) (function(){ var it = setInterval(function(){ var fd = $('passages').firstChild; if (fd!=fc) { clearInterval(it); fd.setAttribute("data-tags",tgs); } },0); }());
you ask: is there a punishment that will make all frogs grow weak?\nthe frogs consider your question.\nthe frogs determine that [[you are unfit|FROG DISMISSAL]] to receive an answer.
the frogs do not need you.\nyou do not need the frogs.\nthe frogs have power.\nyou do not need that power.\nthe frogs have control.\nyou do not need that control.\n\nyou do not need to be a frog to have power.\nyou do not need to be a frog to have control.\nyou do not need to be a frog.
your input is received by frogs.\nyour input is processed by frogs.\nyour input is [[considered|FROGS MAKE DECISIONS]] by frogs.\nyour input is disposed of by frogs.
the frogs are eventually identified.\nthe frogs are eventually punished.\nthe frogs that are punished grow weak.\nthe frogs that are [[not punished grow strong|FROGS GROW STRONG]].
frogs have been frogs.\nfrogs have been frogs being frogs.\nbeing frogs, frogs will be.\nfrogs being [[frogs will be frogs|FROGS CHANGE]].
you ask: how do the frogs make decisions?\nthe frogs consider your question.\nthe frogs determine that [[you are unfit|FROG DISMISSAL]] to receive an answer.
the frogs dismiss you.\nthe frogs distrust you.\nthe frogs disassemble you.\nthere is [[no place for you|NO NEED FOR FROGS]] among the frogs.
the frogs have all limbs.\nthe frogs know all limbs.\nthe frogs use your limbs.\nthe frogs use your limbs to [[exert control|FROGS CONTROL]].
the frogs influence events in a direct way.\nthe frogs influence events in an obvious way.\nthe frogs influence events in a way that cannot be [[ignored|IGNORE FROGS]].\nthe frogs influence events in a way that cannot be [[challenged|CHALLENGE FROGS]].
the frogs have six limbs.\nthe frogs know six limbs.\nthe frogs have started using six limbs.\nthe frogs use six limbs to [[exert control|FROGS CONTROL]].
you ask: can i not simply disregard the frogs?\nthe frogs consider your question.\nthe frogs determine that [[you are unfit|FROG DISMISSAL]] to receive an answer.
the frogs redefine language.\nthe frogs redefine thought.\nthe frogs redefine premises.\nthe frogs redefine [[conclusions|FROGS ARE FROGS]].
.passage .title {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.passage[data-tags~=fixwid] { opacity:1 !important; }\n.transition-out { display:none; }\n\n.passage { color: #07D100; }\n\n.passage[data-tags~=fixwid] {\n font-family: "Courier New", Courier, Monospace;\n}
the frogs use tools that are natural.\nthe frogs use tools that minimize resistance.\nthe frogs use tools that minimize resistance for the frogs.\nthe frogs use tools that minimize resistance by [[suggesting normalcy|FROGS SUGGESTING NORMALCY]].
matthew thompson