you wait in time, not ignorant, but never knowing. unknowing all futures, only knowing pasts, but only knowing pasts of not yet futures. each contact is sudden, surprising, revealing, enlightening. each contact is a new type of knowledge. each contact is true.\nthe sudden is written in [[your core]].<<silently>>\n<<remember $contactIrregular = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
the writing on your core erases. your sight is inwards towards your core, and outwards towards that which [[surrounds you|incomplete core]].
the string oscillates slowly. low frequency oscillation. low frequency. slow low slow low slow low slow slow slow s l //o w//\n\nthe lowness and slowness combine with the slowness and lowness. lowness slowness lowness loaness sloaness lownes slone ess.\n\nyou can smell the string moving low slowly ly. choose to [[remember the string|string]] and how it once smelled. and, choose to [[swallow this scent|string slowly deep]], this slow lowly scent, slowly lowing.
completion surrounds you. a white core within a dark mass within a dark core.\n\nmoving through you is the [[string]].\nmoving through you is the [[air]].\nmoving through you is the [[contact]].
for love of precious, the air within stays close to itself within that which separates within from without. the space within is finite, and the space without is infinite. thus, the air within defines the space within.\nthe space within is written in [[your core]].<<silently>>\n<<remember $airLarge = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
the air escapes through a large opening. most air is wtihout, but some air is within. air within move as it does towards without. but despite the ease of the large, only some air moves. some air must not escape. the air kept inside is precious to that which owns the inside. kept safe within the inside, the air moves out more and more, but there yet remains air within.\n\nthe precious air within [[is held|air large deep]], and the nonprecious air without [[is retrieved|air]].
what are you? what surrounds you? what is in [[your core|incomplete core]]?\n<<if ($stringSlowly gt 0) or ($stringQuickly gt 0) or ($contactRegular gt 0) or ($contactIrregular gt 0) or ($airSmall gt 0) or ($airLarge gt 0)>>\nthere are things which your core remembers. but, you could choose to [[forget]].\n<<endif>>
the first and first make contact. will they make contact again? you know they will. but it cannot be known when. is it now? maybe. is it later? also maybe. no law governs the first and the first. their contact is the absence of law save that it must contact. you can never wait long enough, but you can wait. waiting is known to you.\n\nthe waiting can [[continue|contact irregular deep]], and the waiting can [[cease|contact]].
the core within you is now also the core without you. you have joined with that which defines you, and define yourself.\nyou define yourself.\nyourself.\n\n//end//\n[[Start]]
for love of freedom, the air without moves further and further from that which separates within from without. the space within is finite, and the space without is infinite. thus, the air without thins and becomes infinite.\nthe thin infinity is written in [[your core]].<<silently>>\n<<remember $airSmall = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
.passage .title {\n display: none;\n}
the core complete, filled with experience.\nthe color inverts.\nthe sound inverts.\nthe shape inverts.\nthe knowledge inverts.\nthe [[self|completion]] inverts.
the string does not oscillate. the string oscillates false. the string oscillates none. the string does not. the string is not. no oscillation, no string. but, string once was. within yourself, you could [[remember|string]] the string once was.
the string moves through you. the string has a frequency, and that frequency is shared with you. the string oscillates, and you oscillate. how does it move? does it move [[quickly|string quickly]]? does it move [[slowly|string slowly]]? does it [[not move at all|string none]]?
the first and first make contact. then, the first and first make contact again. you know when this will happen. you know the next time, and the time after that. you know the law that governs the first and first throughout time. their time is known to you.\n\nforever, their time can be [[grasped|contact regular deep]], and it can be [[yielded|contact]].
the first and first do not meet. there is no contact. without contact, there is no first. without contact, there is no first. the first ordinal fails. the sequence ends with the zeroeth ordinal. if a union is to occur between first and first, the first and first must [[remember|contact]] what makes firstness real.
the air escapes in all directions. entropy takes hold of the air. undirected, the air moves within, and in all ways without, and in this way, stays within. without within, there is no without. without without, there is no within. in-ness, out-ness. a need for disjointness. if you [[remember|air]] the air within, and remember to without, within and without will be realized, without which the air within withholds.
you grasp your knowledge of the first and first. the knowledge exists through time, because the knowledge is time. each time contact occurs, your knowledge is proven correct. each time once\ntwice\neach time correct.\nthe knowledge of time is written in [[your core]].<<silently>>\n<<remember $contactRegular = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
deep within yourself, the self that surrounds you, is your core. deep within yourself, that which is written in your core is read.\n<<if $stringSlowly gt 0>>\nwithin your core, a string oscillates slowly.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $stringQuickly gt 0>>\nwithin your core, a string oscillates quickly.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $contactRegular gt 0>>\nwithin your core, each contact-half meets regularly.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $contactIrregular gt 0>>\nwithin your core, each contact-half meets irregularly.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $airSmall gt 0>>\nwithin your core, precious air moves out.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $airLarge gt 0>>\nwithin your core, precious air stays in.\n<<endif>>\nwritten on your core are these experiences.\n<<if ($stringSlowly gt 0) and ($stringQuickly gt 0) and ($contactRegular gt 0) and ($contactIrregular gt 0) and ($airSmall gt 0) and ($airLarge gt 0)>>\nthe space of your core is filled with these experiences, written upon and within. the core [[expands|expanded core]].\n<<else>>\nyet more could be experienced. you can again look towards yourself, within yourself, within the without which [[surrounds you|incomplete core]].\n<<endif>>
the air escapes through a small opening. most air is within, but some air is without. air within moves as it does towards without. but despite the challenge of the small, some air moves. only some air may escape. freed from within the inside, the air is trapped more and more, but yet there remains air without.\n\nthe ample air within [[is held|air small deep]], and the scarce air without [[is retrieved|air]].
your body surrounds the low frequency string. you feel slow. you feel low. you feel slowing, lowly slowing, never stopping, only knowing slowing, slowly. one movement in one second. one movement in two seconds. three four five seconds. never stopping, only slowing. slowing slowly towards [[your core]].<<silently>>\n<<remember $stringSlowly = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
your body surrounds the high frequency string. it oscillates more quickly every second, every fraction of a second, every fraction of that it moves more and more quickly within you. it moves quickly within you, and you move more quickly, until your movements take place within a second, within a fraction of a second, every fraction of that you move more and faster and closer\nand closer\nand closer\nand closer to [[your core]].<<silently>>\n<<remember $stringQuickly = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
the air moves through you. the air is dense or thin. when the air is dense, where did it come from? when the air is thin, where did it leave to? vapor vacates from a hollow prison. a solid shell surrounds the nonsolid, but the nonsolid is not contained. does it escape from a [[small opening|air small]]? does it escape from a [[large opening|air large]]? does it escape [[from all openings|air none]]?
the string oscillates quickly. high frequency oscillation. high frequency. violins violence violins violence violence violence violence violence violence\n\nyou can smell the string moving. you have smelled it before, and you can [[remember it|string]]. you have smelled it before, and you can [[swallow that scent|string quickly deep]].
the contact moves through you. an entity, and another entity. or, another entity, and an entity. the firstness and the secondness are artificial. only in simultaneity does contact exist, and so first and second do not exist, only first and also first. the first and first: how do they make contact? do they make contact [[regularly|contact regular]]? do they make contact [[irregularly|contact irregular]]? do they make [[no contact|contact none]]?
by matthew thompson